Explore Yourself with 100+ Keys

Explore-Yourself-with-100+-KeysExplore Yourself with 100+ Keys


This self-help and motivational book provide insights and ways for the reader to resolve inner issues and reflect on solutions. The author stated: “This book will provide a key to look within yourself to resolve issues.”

This paperback book contains original quotes designed to thoughtfully, practically and positively assist the reader with problem solving. These quotes can be related to daily life, and the author states that the application of these quotes “can bring a feeling of euphoria and peace.”

Current independent and verified reviews of this book are describing it as “a masterful, philosophical, catchy and practical book“; “really worth reading, and especially worth keeping“; “filled with spirituality, thoughtfulness and wisdom!

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Veera Surampudi

Veera Surampudi is the 2020 New York Best Sellers Gold Award winner.

A Software Engineer by trade, Mr. Surampudi is a gifted writer who has accumulated several awards and recognitions, including: A #1 Amazon Best Seller, a Gold Award by the Human Relations Indie Book Awards, a Hermes Creative Award, a DotComm Awards, a Global EBook Award, and a Literary Titan Book Award to name a few.

A graduate from the Palin school of Arts & Design in Singapore and the New York school of Design in New York City, Mr. Surampudi “Felt compelled to write this book and finished it in 6 months.”